Make a FlatPlot
colour = "#000000",
xlab = "",
ylab = "Measurement",
datadist = "sina",
size = 2,
alpha = 0.5,
bars = "mean_sd",
fsize = 12,
gg = NULL,
stats = FALSE,
stats_test = "para_unpaired"
- df
data frame with at least three columns: meas, cond, repl
- meas
character name of column with measurement (e.g. intensity)
- cond
character name of column with condition (e.g. Control, WT)
- colour
string for colour palette to use, select ("rl_green", "rl_red", "rl_blue", "rl_purple", "rl_orange", "rl_magenta", or a hex colour, default is black)
- xlab
string for x label (default is empty)
- ylab
string for y label (default is "Measurement")
- datadist
string for data distribution to use, select ("sina" default, or "jitter")
- size
numeric size of data points (default is 2)
- alpha
numeric vector of alpha range data and summary points (default is c(0.5, 0.7))
- bars
string for type of error bars to add, select ("none", "mean_sd" (default), "mean_sem", or "mean_ci")
- fsize
numeric font size for text (default is 12)
- gg
ggplot object to add to (default is NULL)
- stats
logical for whether to add statistical tests (default is FALSE)
- stats_test
string for statistical test to use, select ("para_unpaired", "para_paired", "nonpara_unpaired", or "nonpara_paired")